Category Archives: Blog
We know the story of an apple falling on Sir Isaac Newton’s head and inspiring him to formulate the ‘law of gravity’. Gravity, or gravitation, according to Wikipedia, “is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass are brought toward (or gravitate toward) one another, including planets, stars and galaxies. On Earth, gravity gives […]
read moreI love opening mail, always full of postcards from friends abroad! … Ha! Not really! More like bills, bills & more bills! The last one from my Income protection mob, stating the number of IP claims has doubled since 2011, hence my premium has soared. [insert angry face] It really ‘gets my goat’ because most […]
read moreIs the madness in your life manifesting into physical pain? I treat many clients who come in with physical problems, which have developed due to underlying stress they are experiencing in their personal, work or family lives. It makes sense. Everything above the neck controls everything below the neck. If the head is removed, the body is generally […]
read moreI’m bringing posture back… yeah!! I’ll be the first to admit it! The subject of ‘posture’ is not hot, it’s not sexy… it’s not even cool. Just the word ‘posture’ conjures up bad memories. Memories of your Mum, Dad, teachers, grandparents etc.. sternly saying/nagging/yelling!! “Sit up straight! Don’t slouch! Shoulders back!” It’s been ground into us […]
read moreFor all of those who google searched ‘back pain, how to fix it, cause of, where to go, who to try, chiro, osteo, physio, myo’, let it be known that most back pain is caused by an incorrect pelvic foundation. So before everyone screams, “core strength this” and “pilates that’, all of that is great […]
read more“They click and hurt when I go down stairs is the usual complaint.” Most people at some stage or another in some quest for fitness or general human activity will have a knee or two go ‘bung’. Just below the knee cap, on the inside(medial, we call that) and self diagnosis or worse still Goggle […]
read moreEverything below the neck is controlled by everything above the neck, meaning that your entire body is controlled by your brain, or more specifically your central nervous system (your Brain and spinal cord). If stress is a factor in your life, that cerebral tension will have an effect on your body and may manifest in […]
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With the Australian open well under way a common household label for a sore elbow has always been ‘tennis elbow’. In fancy pants terms its known as ‘lateral epicondylitis’, where the tendon of the forearm extensors gets inflamed at its attachment which is the epicondyle. This condition generally occurred with tennis because in the old […]
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New born Babies effect on you, now its on the outside! Baby born, hip hip, wet the head, balloons, flowers, visitors, gifts. Little clothes, tiny everything, in your arms looking down for the next 12 months. Hunching over, safe and secure, Breast feeding or holding the baby and the bottle, all really really bad for […]
read moreOK, YOUR PREGNANT, ONE IN THE OVEN, UP THE DUFF, attention now I have, now seriously………Congratulations!!!!! Pregnancy is a great wonderful miraculous thing, 2 cells uniting as you and your partner do at a particular special moment( if you do it the old fashion way) multiplying frantically to create life, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bone, all […]
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